Friday, December 22, 2006

Japan, at last...

Ahhh... finally, I have had a chance to look through the images I make for myself. I am very excited about getting my Japan pics here on the ole' blog, and I believe that I am going to introduce them in parts. SO, for the first part, I shall do what is only appropriate: Japan, daily. Living in Japan for a few weeks is a little bit different than the traveling I have done where I have constantly been in motion. In Japan, I moved in with Faith, and lived like she, and the other residents of Ogaki lived. To gather groceries, we took a bicycle and a basket. To go to the city, we biked to the train station and took the trains. Where I live now, in the more sub (urban) part of Atlanta, I drive always, everywhere, constantly. Life was quiet, like I imagined it would be, but in a different way. But, I did not go to see the metro-politan Japan. I went to see what it was like living there in a small town. :) So, here are some day to day impressions of Japan.

1 comment:

Smoke Free By Accident said...

Nice nice. So how many words do you remeber, Jessica?

Moshi Moshi. Hai . Be-ru.

I'm really looking forward to the snow as you know how ugly Japan is, street by street all we meet is another row on concrete buildings with the occasional Tanuki

KONICHI WA - I amu a tanuki-Sama

So the nice coat of white is always a god send for only once, twice if we are lucky, does the place look really really wonderful.

I love Faith's window shot.

Stay Blessed. Todd