Well, Israel was beautiful... and I was able to enjoy it for the first half of my trip. THEN... I fell ill and I spent the second half of my trip in the hospital ... so.
I am frantically playing catch up over here, but please be patient with me: I am low on energy and I am having to go to the doctor every day since I have been back. I am in the progress of posting my new pricelist for 2007 and will have that up shortly.
I am slowly getting to my emails and voicemails while I was gone, but I am having to prioritize, so again, your patience is appreciated. :)
I am fine and I probably just had a violent allegic reaction to something, so please don't worry. BUT in any event, for the time being, that is my update. I will post more soon, once I have attended to your emails and so forth...
I love you all and you will be able to get in touch with me very soon! (Monday or Tuesday is better than this weekend.) Thanks!!